Saturday, October 6, 2007

Getting emotional

So it’s 10 days left until I leave and I am, maybe not surprisingly, having mixed feelings about this. After two years in Sweden I kind of got used to living here … again. It was just yesterday that I walked up through campus to my lab and got the feeling that this was really normal, you know, as it should be. I had found my everyday life. And then I realized that, in two weeks this will have changed, my life will change, again, and I couldn’t help feeling a bit sad about it. I like what I’m doing now, and I like the people that I do it with. The safest way to play would have been to stay with this.

But, as some might now, I always want safe, but I never choose it. Luckily, I’m not walking out on the thinnest of ice. I've done this before in a way. And I’ve heard a lot about the place where I’m going and it seems very all right.

And really, there’s nothing else I want to do. This is it. I got lucky.

To leave my family and friends here will of course be hard. I'm not getting used to that, eventhough this isn't the first time. I am truly grateful for all the support. I will miss you.

So, take care.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey man.. du kommer aldrig att ångra att du åkte, men du skulle definitivt ångra för alltid om du inte åkte!