Monday, May 26, 2008

Return to photo

After the photo exhibition last weekend I decided to take more pictures. At least one per week that I like. Last Friday I was playing around with my reflex in the balcony door. This is the result.

Actually I have been doing this before (see my avatar on msn or facebook). I took something similar in Osaka when I was there with Daniel and Karin last month. It's Osaka as seen from Umeda Sky Bluilding.

That's it for this week!

Take care!


Anonymous said...

good pictures, i like them! (;;)

Anonymous said...

nacchan no blog ('')v

Unknown said...

Hoj hoj.. nu blir vi *nästan* grannar i två veckor.. Jag och Josefine är i Kina ;-) Josefine ska inspektera HPRs kaninfarmar och jag får följa med som toyboy! Det var kul att ses när du var hemma i Sverige. Ha det gött. /Lasse