Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday Walkabout in Tokyo


First I should say that I didn't go to Akihabara today and by that I luckily avoided the knife-wielding lunatic that went berserk on the main street of that area around noon killing and injuring several people. The whole thing is very sad and scary!

I took a walk with my camera to a rather posh district called Daikanyama, situated between Shibuya and Ebisu. On my way over there I saw a space ship that had crashed into to the roof of a small supermarket.

No-one else seemed to pay much attention to it.

As I got closer I realized that it wasn't a space ship, but a gigantic robo-grasshopper!

It was stuck there on top of the building, entangled in the phone-wires and couldn't budge.

A view of the head of the beast.

Pretty cool thing, but I'm sure that I would have a lot of nightmares if I was 10 and had this monster as my neighbour...

That's it!

Take care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, daijoubu de yokatta!